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October 2009
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TheoWorlds Builder SDK v2 updated with great new features!

TheoWorlds Builder SDK v2

We just added a whole set of new features to our TheoWorlds Builder SDK v2. Now it can also run on ElectroServer, as an alternative to SmartFox Server. It also supports private messages, moderator functions, chat history and more!

If you ever dreamed of building your own online world or game - now is a great time to start! Our SDK will provide the foundation.[ read more]

Spread the spirit of Halloween!

Halloween e-card

Carve a virtual pumpkin online and email it to your friends: [ ]


The summer is over and your flip-flops and Hawaiian T-shirts are packed away.

But we got some great news! We just released the latest update of our TheoWorlds Builder SDK. With even more features right "out of the box", it will help jump-start your dream project!

Also, one of our favorite holiday is less than a month away - the Halloween! Don't forget to send your friends and family an e-card. With our Virtual Pumpkin Carver you can truly unleash your design creativity - without any kitchen mess.

Have a fun day!

- Team

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